
Blog of a twenty-something organizer painter caterer.

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Location: Eugene/New York, OR/NY, United States

I am reading little bits of twenty different books at once, practicing yoga, meditation, Alexander Technique and learning how to cook Indian cuisine. I do my best at everything I spend time on, because each activity is its own work of art.

Wednesday, March 17, 2004

Wanted: One Record-Breaking Cigarette Filter

(Ha) I haven't done my History OR my Lit homework, but I just memorized a bunch of formulas for calculus, although I will probably forget them by tomorrow. Ah well. I need to go camping and forget about all of this.

Tonight I fully appreciated the Red House Painters. I was burning a candle while listening to them, which was really soothing, but now my room is kinda smoky and I think I"m going to have to fix the ventilation before I go to sleep.

Oh, by the way, I MUST draw something soon or I'm going to go crazy, because I can write and write and write in my diary but I never feel satisfied doing it. It's similar to doing something boring like watching TV and then getting up and going to read a book to "relax." Some things just aren't as expressive as other things.

Anyway, I've got to get up tomorrow (ack!) so goodnight.

Listening to: Red House Painters - I'm Sorry