Christine has returned from the land of New Jersey, and has brought avocados and other such fresh fruits with her. Yesss I'm no longer without bosom buddy to talk to, to confide in all my ramblings that come RIGHT before I go to sleep at 3 AM.
I can't believe that I actually have someone to talk with when things get rough waay over here at school. Apparently Bridget dropped out of NYU and went back home to the UofO? I wonder if I will be the only person left sticking it out on the east coast, in the long run. I miss home an AWFUL lot, and I can't remember what it feels like to hug Sven anymore, or to sleep in my own bed.
Brrrr my dorm room is freezing. Damn whoever has been messing with the cryptic hall thermostat, my fingers are seizing and freezing.
Midterms are this week.. I shouldn't be typing in my blog right now, I should be painting something before class. I need to show her something else besides the giant water heater I just finished. It's cool looking.. and that makes me feel great. I produced something! Yet I still feel a sense of doom over all the things that I haven't yet finished.. they are dragging me down into a dark cave of inadequacy and paranoia. Anthony told me at dinner two nights ago that I should go call up Conor Oberst, talking lyrics like this all the time. But no, then he changes his mind and says I should call up DASHBOARD CONFESSIONAL. Now that is just
insulting. Depression/worry turns my tongue into a terrible emo band.. I am so sorry, everybody.
I think it's raining outside again. It's been pouring all weekend. Right now I'm supposed to be working in the art history department, but I called in sick. I don't like my job. It's midterms week. Aargh. I can't wait to survive this and go home for winter break without ANY HOMEWORK to weigh me down.
So Christine and I are laying on our beds last night, both studying ancient history, and she stops and says "I like to learn." I reply "me too." It felt so weird to say, like I'd forgotten a long time ago. And I spend so much time resenting work and complaining I forget to like it.
Brr my room was so cold last night that I slept lightly, and was full of dreams. I was about to play a song in my dream when my alarm went off, and so I didn't get up because I needed to hear the song. Sometimes I'm violently awoken in the middle of a dream action, and it's just unacceptable.
I saw this comic two days ago where the dude said "I take in culture all the time but I never put out any." I concur.. which is why I have a blog to let other people see my art in response to life. Sometimes I'm flitting around so much, I feel like my blog doesn't have a theme. It's my first year in college, that's good enough.