
Blog of a twenty-something organizer painter caterer.

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Location: Eugene/New York, OR/NY, United States

I am reading little bits of twenty different books at once, practicing yoga, meditation, Alexander Technique and learning how to cook Indian cuisine. I do my best at everything I spend time on, because each activity is its own work of art.

Sunday, June 26, 2005


I just turned on my computer and checked my email.
Then there was a fizzing noise and a huge cloud of smoke surrounded the back of my desk.
Now my room smells like melted plastic.

Oh god, I hope all the JPEGs on my computer are safe.

It's like when Carrie Bradshaw's articles were scrambled because she forgot to back them up, 'cause she didn't know what a ZIP drive was. You know you're screwed when everything that happens in your life correlates with an episode of Sex and the City.


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