
Blog of a twenty-something organizer painter caterer.

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Location: Eugene/New York, OR/NY, United States

I am reading little bits of twenty different books at once, practicing yoga, meditation, Alexander Technique and learning how to cook Indian cuisine. I do my best at everything I spend time on, because each activity is its own work of art.

Thursday, June 23, 2005

4 of A Kind

Tonight I saw Kingdom of Heaven, starring Orlando Bloom, and he was suprisingly REALLY good in it. Thank god, I was losing faith in him, and I need to be SOMEWHAT justified in having a ginormous poster of him on my wall. Soo much gore in the movie. Rachel and I were cringing into each other every time someone's head was cut off, or partially severed . . . it varied from time to time.

Aah, the crusades.

Of course, Tricia was completely digging it. She loves war. She loves it when thousands of horses all swirl around in the huge dusty cauldron of the fight and you get that exhilirating feeling of the bigness of it all.

I consumed way too much green tea ice cream and now my tummy feels sloshy. Sorry, I'm not thinking of another adjective at the moment. And I found my electronic Yahtzee game yesterday, while digging through my stuff. Wow, what a time waster. I remember that I bought it after Bridget got one, because I used to borrow hers so often. It cost like $20 but I thought it was SO worth it at the time. Yahtzee sound effects will always remind me of Bridget.

Myspace is both a sweet tool (that on occasion makes me giddy), and the worst way to put yourself out there possible. I hate how ANYONE CAN FIND YOU. But as Carey says, "make them suffer!"


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