
Blog of a twenty-something organizer painter caterer.

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Location: Eugene/New York, OR/NY, United States

I am reading little bits of twenty different books at once, practicing yoga, meditation, Alexander Technique and learning how to cook Indian cuisine. I do my best at everything I spend time on, because each activity is its own work of art.

Friday, April 02, 2004

Oh! Hostility!

I'm leaving really soon for Whitman so I just wanted to post and say I'm not suicidal or anything, as is evidence by my still being alive and all.

I have dead cherry blossoms in my hair and that is kind of annoying.

Oh, and I just got an email from my penpal in Austria and she said lots of stuff about terror attacks and things. We are kind of harping on it. But its interesting. Apparently lots of people in her school don't like other kids because they are Islamic. Connie is nice.

OH, I'm getting my hair cut next week, so if anyone wants to send me pics of haircuts (Rose??) then that would be cool because I don't know what I'm doing yet.

I wish I could hang out with you and the guys this weekend but oh well (*sigh). I could really use a Jamie Charlie Chaplin impression right now...

Oh, and thanks for the smoothie. You know who you are.

Oh, Anna, I listened to a bit of your mixed tape, hope you don't mind.

I saw a girl get into an argument with a parking-meter-maid-man today. I'm feeling entertaining.


So yeah, fine, I've got to go pack now. Life is still dreadful.

PS. It's NOT my job to make other people conscientious. All I can do is listen, and if you don't talk, then things get futile. Sometimes I feel, like today and yesterday, that I'm being pulled back into the same old habits because my friends ARE my problems and I can't change them. And I'm being kind of slow changing myself. Which is a bad idea anyway. Screw that. I can be hostile if I WANT TO, dammit.